Advanced Examples: Working Plans


This webpage constains the past working plans of the Geant4 Advanced Examples Working Group.


  • [*] Optional, and subject to the availability of manpower
  • 1: aimed to be done in first semester
  • 2: aimed to be done in second semester

Working Plan for 2025

  • Finish off and submit IAEAphsp example (2)
  • Validation of the molecularDNA example with experimental data from proton and helium ion irradiations and creation of new cancer cell and complex DNA geometries to be integrated in the example (2)
  • Design of realistic numerical phantoms of C. elegans to be included in the stim_pixe_tomography advanced example (2)
  • Implementation of the collimators for minibeam production and small field dosimeters within the eFLASH_radiotherapy example (2)
  • Implementation and validation of the TEPC microdosimeter in exp_microdosimetry example (2)
  • Evaluation of LET dependent RBE both in silico and in vitro for the purpose of validation of the hadrontherapy example and validation with helium ion beams through comparison with publication (2)
  • Maintenance of the webpage (1, 2)
  • Maintenance and code review in selected examples (1, 2)

Working Plan for 2024

  • Improvement to MicroElec example to show the use of novel electron low energy cross-sections for solid state materials beyond silicon (1,2)
  • Further developments of in-silico experimental microdosimetry in the Radioprotection example (1,2)
  • Development of a mammography example - (1)/(2)
  • Implementation of pre-clinical, mice PET images to evaluate a dose distribution for new drugs (1,2)
  • Upgrade of the medical_linac example - (1)/(2)
  • Design of realistic phantoms of C. elegans in the stim_pixe_tomography example - (1)/(2)
  • Development of a new geometry reproducing some dosimeters used in FLASH radiotherapy in the eFLASH_radiotherapy example (1,2)
  • Development of new detectors, SiC and TEPC microdosimeters, in the exp_microdosimetry example (1,2)
  • Improvement to the Hadrontherapy example in the simulation of proton, carbon ion and helium ion beam irradiation for the calculation of track and dose averaged LET (1,2)
  • Code review, migration to C++17 and coding guidelines (1,2)
  • New example showing how to import in Geant4 simulations IAEA Phase Space Files (2)[*]

Working Plan for 2023

  • Release of a new example showing how to import in Geant4 simulations IAEA Phase Space Files (1,2)[*]
  • Development of a specific advanced example for proton tomography (1,2)
  • Development of a SPring-8 synchrotron x-ray polarimetry example for testing low energy polarised gamma-ray physics (1,2)
  • Further developments of in-silico experimental microdosimetry in the Radioprotection example (1,2)
  • Development of a mammography example (1,2)
  • Development of a new example dedicated to the ATHENA mission (1,2)
  • Implementation of pre-clinical, mice PET images to evaluate a dose distribution for new drugs (1,2)
  • Upgrade of the medical_linac example (1,2)
  • Improve the Hadrontherapy example in the simulation of proton, carbon ion and helium ion beam irradiation (1,2)
  • Maintenance of the webpage (1,2)
  • Maintenance and code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines and migration to C++17) in selected examples (1,2)

Working Plan for 2022

  • Release of a new example showing how to import in Geant4 simulations IAEA Phase Space Files (2)[*]
  • Development of a specific advanced example for proton tomography (1,2)
  • Development of a SPring-8 synchrotron x-ray polarimetry example for testing low energy polarised gamma-ray physics (1,2)
  • Further developments of in-silico experimental microdosimetry in the Radioprotection example (1,2)
  • Development of a mammography example (1,2)
  • Measurements and statistical analysis of size, McCabe, Halstead, Chidamber and Kemerer software metrics over at least 50% of the advanced examples; explication of the results in relation to ISO/IEC 9126 and ISO/IEC 25000 (1,2)
  • Migration and improvement of the webpage (1,2)
  • Maintenance and code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines amd migration to C++17) in selected examples (1,2)

Working Plan for 2021

  • Code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines) in selected examples (1,2)
  • Development and validation of alternative approaches for LET calculation in hadrontherapy (1, 2) [*]
  • Release of a new example for nanomedicine (gold nanoparticles in X-ray radiotherapy) (2)[*]
  • Release of a new example showing how to import in Geant4 simulations IAEA Phase Space Files (2)[*]
  • Measurements and statistical analysis of size, McCabe, Halstead, Chidamber and Kemerer software metrics over at least 50% of the advanced examples; explication of the results in relation to ISO-IEC 9126 and ISO/IEC 25000 (1,2)
  • Improvement of the webpage and documentation (1,2)
  • Migration to sub-event parallelism where possible
  • Migration to C++17

Working Plan for 2020

  • Maintenance and bug fixes (1,2)
  • Code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines) in selected examples (1,2)
  • Developments of alternative approaches for LET calculation in hadrontherapy (1, 2) [*]
  • Release of a new example for nanomedicine (gold nanoparticles in X-ray radiotherapy) (2)[*]
  • Release of a new example showing how to import in Geant4 simulations IAEA Phase Space Files (2)[*]
  • Release of a new CMS example (2)[*]
  • Improvement of GammaRayTel example to deal with polarised processes (2)[*]
  • Release of GORAD (Geant4 Open-source Radiation Analysis and Design) (2)
  • Release of a new example modelling dust cloud (2)

Working Plan for 2019

  • Maintenance and bug fixes (1,2)
  • Code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines) in selected examples (1,2)
  • Developments of alternative approaches for LET calculation in hadrontherapy (1, 2) [*]
  • Assessment of physics of advanced examples and analysis of software quality metrics of advanced examples (1, 2)
  • Migration of the air_shower advanced example to MT (1,2)
  • Release of a new example for nanomedicine (gold nanoparticles in X-ray radiotherapy) (2)[*]

Working Plan for 2018

  • Maintenance and bug fixes (1,2)
  • Introduction of some C++11 specific features/utilities in the examples (2)
  • Migration of medical_linac to parallel geometry (1)
  • Code review of the IORT Therapy example (2)
  • Release of a new advanced example (for nuclear medicine, PET) (2)
  • Code review (e.g. implementation of the extended examples coding guidelines) in selected examples (1,2)
  • Developments of alternative approaches for LET calculation in hadrontherapy (2) [*]
  • Revision of analysis, geometry and validation scripts for hadrontherapy (1,2)

Working Plan for 2017

  • Maintenance and bux fix (1,2)
  • Introduction of some C++11 specific features/utilities in the examples (2)
  • Include Low Dose Rate brachytherapy verification suite in the brachytherapy example (2)
  • Validation and implementation in hadrontherapy of the LET/RBE modeling derived by experimental measurements (1)
  • Improve air_shower, adding the capability of simulating and analysing the air_shower fingerprint at ground (2) [*]

Working Plan for 2016

  • Mainteinance and bux fix (1,2)
  • Introduction of some C++11 specific features/utilities in the examples (2) [*]
  • Validation and implementation in hadrontherapy of the LTE/RBE modeling derived by experimental measurements (2)
  • Testing suite against the TG43 reference by using the brachytherapy advanced example (2)
  • Introduction of the Polarized physics list in the GammaRayTel example, to build an experiment for polarised gamma detection (2)
  • Include a specific nuclear medicine use-case within the example human phantom (2) [*]

Working Plan for 2015

  • Maintenance and bux fix (1,2)
  • General code cleaning of examples (2) [*]
  • Substantial upgrade of human_phantom (extension to nuclear medicine) (2)
  • Validation and implementation in hadrontherapy of the LTE/RBE modeling derived by experimental measurements (2)

Working Plan for 2014

  • Migration of selected examples to Geant4-MT (1)
  • Migration of all applicable examples to Geant4-MT (2)
  • Maintenance and bux fix (1,2)
  • Migration of the analysis to the Geant4 native analysis tools for all applicable examples (1)
  • General code cleaning of examples (2) [*]
  • New advanced example about medical liver therapy with Y90 micro-spheres (2) [*]

Working Plan for 2013

  • Migration/optimization of examples in Geant4-MT (1)
  • Migration of the analysis to the Geant4 native analysis tools for a few selected examples (1,2)
  • Check that all advanced examples build correctly with cmake (1)
  • General code cleaning of examples (2)
  • New advanced example about radiation damage in micro-circuits (2) [*]
  • Development of a dedicated class for average LET calculations in the Hadrontherapy example (2)
  • Implementation of the DICOM interface in the iort_therapy example (2)

Working Plan for 2012

  • The review of the physics models implemented must be completed in all the examples (1)
  • Documentation updating still in progress and must be completed.
  • Publication of the new Gamma Knife example (it is in the repository but not still public)
  • General code review (1, 2)
  • Removal of examples which are no longer maintained

Working Plan for 2011

  • Review of the physics models in all the examples (2)
  • Update of documentation
  • Debugging of example MCChargeExchange
  • Optimisation of the Medical Linac example
  • Release of two new example: GammaKnife (1) and IORT(2,*)
  • General code review (1, 2)
  • Major revision of Hadrontherapy (2)

Working Plan for 2010

  • Testing of the physics lists in the examples
  • Addition of a DICOM interface in the Hadrontherapy
  • Addition of three example:
    • GammaKnife: simulation of a real ‘radiosurgery’ apparatus
    • IORT: simulation of a real apparatus for Intra Operative Radio Therapy
    • Cexmc: Charge exchange Monte Carlo based; the main aim of this example is to find the best geometry of the experimental set-up and calculate its acceptances for specific physical interactions
  • The presence of the examples inside the Geant4 system testing should be verified and improved

Working Plan for 2009

  • General maintenance of the examples
  • Improvement of the performance of the Medical Linac example
  • Add in Hadrontherapy the possibility to choose a “pencil beam” configuration, in a “general” configuration for radiotherapy
  • Include a DICOM interface in Medical Linac and Hadrontherapy
  • Release of the new example GammaKnife

Last updated: 04/02/2022 by S. Guatelli