2002 : Projects, milestones, things to do

Comparison projects

  • Atlas : conclusions and publication.
  • Babar : continuing
  • LHCb
  • CMS ?

Developments in standard em

  • High Energy processes (above 10 TeV)
    The discussion with the MEPhI group (Kokoulin, Kelner, Rybin) has started to evaluate the needs, by type of experimental fields.
    A priority list has been agreed for :
  • precise investigation of the current processes

  • a program of development for the next two years.  
  • On the same line, Helmut Burkhardt (Cern) is implementing gamma conversion into muons pair : first half of this year.
  • We are on the way to redesign the ‘standard’ processes in order to have a model approach, and better compatibility with ‘low energy’ processes.
    Milestone: a prototype in the first halh of this year.
  • new implementation of models of Transition Radiation detectors.
  • new implementation of the Synchrotron radiation.

Plot of cross sections

Provide an equivalent of the command drmat in Geant3.
To be done in conjonction with the development of analysis tool.
Define a standard way to access crosssections, de/dx, etc.. for all processes.
The store/retrieve PhysicsTables could be a starting point.
Milestone: a prototype by end of the year.

Cut per region

Analysis and design.
Mandatory: a prototype this year.
Implies minimal change in a few em processes.


  • User guide
  • Physics reference manual
  • design documents
  • Milestone : a paper on Multiple Scattering

Interactive course of em physics

Progresssing slowly…