

1) Validation and verification of EM physics:

  • extension of the validation suite;
  • introducing histogram comparisons in the suite;
  • test for LHC muon system;
  • Fano-Cavity example;
  • Sandia test;
  • EM shower shape test;
  • providing web pages for verification results.

2) Further update of ionization processes:

  • review of density effect parameterisation;
  • tuning and verification of ion ionisation;
  • simulation of fluctuations per particle type;
  • extension of sub-cutoff option for very high cuts;
  • providing simulation of Birks effects in different media for LHC;
  • providing simulation of drift electrons in gaseous detectors.

3) Further development of the processes of multiple and single scattering:

  • providing variants of the processes for different particle types: e+,e-, muons, hadrons, and ions;
  • providing combined simulation using both single and multiple scattering.

4) Further development of Physics List components

  • establish Standard EM components and its tests;
  • cleanup all G4 examples introducing standard components;
  • remove 52 and 71 components and code.

5) Further development of the polarized processes

  • continue validation of longitudinal polarisation dependencies
  • add a polarized Photoelectric effect
  • providing web pages for verification results
  • extend list of examples

6) Futher development of optical photon physics

  • allow for the reflectivity of a metallic surface to depend on photon energy and incident angle
  • allow input of a complex refractive index.
  • implement a more flexible micro facet sampling method for optical surfaces
  • implement extension to the UNIFIED surface model to have both specular and diffuse components for the transmitted photons
  • include Mie scattering as a new optical photon physics process
  • model the optical transport in a volume that has different optical treatments on different sides

7) Review of the bremsstrahlung models including LPM effect.

8) Development of the bremsstrahlung processes and models for pions and protons.

9) Extend e+ annihilation to hadrons : add 3pi and K+K- production.

10) Introduce K-L shell X-rays in the photoElectric process.

11) Cerenkov process update: limit the step in G4Cerenkov when the particle drops below the Cherenkov threshold.

12) Software quality review.

13) Prototype study of biasing for EM processes.