Version 1.0

  • Geometry Biasing with Importance:
  • Understand the differences between generic biasing applied to geometrical biasing and the “standard” importance biasing
  • Improve testing of biasing processes - to identify and understand differences and compare with analogue simulations
  • Clean up and revise test33 to correctly test biasing in MT mode
  • Investigate the “switchability” between generic and geometrical biasing
  • Consider deprecating importance biasing
  • Debug the geometrical biasing for the case of deleted and reinstantiated geometries.
  • Command line and “smart” biasing scheme
  • Reverse Monte Carlo:
  • Improvments of EM ReverseMC for case of thick shielding
  • Continue/Finish Migration of ReverseMC to MT
  • Generic process:
  • Consider interest of new method G4VProcess::StartEvent()
  • Generic Biasing:
  • Continue enriching event biasing options:
    • Refactor existing generic biasing brem. splitting example to source
    • Leading particle (alternative to existing one in HAD)
  • Statistical test suite to verify correctness of biasing wrt to analog
  • Improvements:
    • Allow/demonstrate use of parallel worlds
  • Feasibility studies and prototyping
    • Biasing of charged particles, with cross-section changing over the step

    • Use of occurence biasing to allow continuous density change inside a same volume

    • DXTRAN-like biasing

    • Material/isotope biasing

    • Woodcock tracking

    • Implicit capture

  • Materials:
  • Evaluate usage of G4float for material data instead of G4double
  • Improved G4Exception usage in material classes, remove asserts
  • Introduce some c++11 into material classes
  • Evaluate interest of a material extension through an abstract class mechanism to at least gather information about processes using such extended properties (eg : DNA, channeling, thermal neutron)

*Updated: 29th February 2016