Work Plan for 2025
Novice & Extended Examples Working GroupPermalink
Work Plan for 2025Permalink
Version 1.0
New examples:
- New example demonstrating Julia bindings
- Start work on new medical example on laser-plasma topic
Existing examples improvements:
- Biasing:
- Investigate the possibility of adding histograms in GBXX examples
- Resolve the overlap between generic biaising and geometrical biasing
- Illustrate options that may be developed this year (charged particles biasing, DXTRAN)
- Parameterisation:
- Finish gflashb
- Extension of the Par04 extended example with the new machine learning model, CaloDiT, a pre-trained generalised model
- RunAndEvent:
- Enhance examples for sub-event parallelism and improve drawing of scores
- Visualization:
- General oversight of exploitation of UI and Vis in all examples
- Medical:
- radiobiology:
- Implement reading of an external phase space file (generated by other codes or a clinical Treatment Planning System) for source generation
- Develop an example for medical imaging by modifying DICOM example adding gps part, and detector part
- radiobiology:
- Medical/dna:
- neuron:
- Add UI commands to the macro input file to calculate water radiolysis products in specific regions of interest
- Studies of DNA damage using intermediate-Z ions (He, Li, N, Ne) and validation of the new detailed chromatin/chromosome geometries
- dnaphysics and microdosimetry:
- Update ion physics information in the SteppingAction class, README file, and analysis scripts
- Demonstrate Auger and G4DNA Processes on an existing example (maybe dnaphysics): provide macro files and histograms
- Demonstrate G4DNA and Hadronic Physics by modifying the dnaphysics example to include mixed processes and validate existing PhysicsLists
- Update multiple-pulse function
- AuNP:
- Update chemistry function
- Updates of Geant4-DNA extended examples for new Geant4-DNA physics models coming in 2025
- neuron:
- Biasing:
Common tasks:
- Coding guidelines:
- Review the status and open a GitLab issue with the violations
- Existing examples maintenance
- Coding guidelines: