Dmitri Konstantinov (coordinator) Alvaro Tolosa-Delgado (deputy)
Andrea Dell’Acqua, Miguel Cortes, Pedro Arce, Alberto Ribon, Igor Semeniouk, Julia Yarba
Plan of work 2025
Ongoing actions, to be completed in 2025
- Collect and document all existing regression tests, validation applications and benchmarks; assess coverage/observable and sensitivity
- Define a list of requirements to integrate new tests (precission, sensitivity/observable, regression/validation)
- Document methodology, tests results and the infrastructure itself (how to run add a test)
- Establish workflow and responsibilities: WG may run their own tests, but the tests and the results may be accessible to other Geant4 members
Long term plan
- Reach out external users who perform independent validations, explore synnergy with FLUKA
- Investigate the possibility of adding some tests to CI for key validations. The best candidates are the smallest and fastest tests; e.g., to check cross sections, material factory, geometry
Individual contributions (already confirmed)
- Transport of light ions (Miguel Cortes)
- Validation of Geant4 hadronic models (Julia Yarba)
- Hadronic showers tests, reproducibility tests (Alberto Ribon)
- Protontherapy profile shape study (Pedro Arce)
- Extend validation of ATLAS Electromagnetic barrel calorimeter (Andrea Dell’Acqua)
- Integrate tests for biasing and gflash into geant-val (Igor Semeniouk)