Plan 2007

Work items of Run, Event and Detector WG. M. Asai (05/Feb/2007 - proposed to SB)

Schedule (1) by June 2007, (2) by December 2007

  1. Parallel navigation (collaborating with Geometry and Generic Processes WGs) 1.1 Finalize the implementation (1) 1.2 Update documents (1) 1.3 New example (1)

  2. Event biasing (collaborating with Geometry and Generic Processes WGs) 2.1 Contribute to the design (1)/(2) 2.2 Update documents (1)/(2) 2.3 New examples (1)/(2)

  3. Scoring 3.1 Unify scoring mechanisms of non-biasing and biasing options (1) 3.2 Update existing documents and examples (1) 3.3 New examples in particular with parallel navigation (1)/(2) 3.4 Drop obsolete scoring processes for geom-biasing (2)

  4. Parallelization 4.1 Test with variety of applications (1)/(2) 4.2 Add support to interactive parallelism (2) 4.3 Add automatic transparent checkpointing of parallel jobs (2)

  5. Reverse Monte Carlo (collaborating with Geometry and Generic Processes WGs) 5.1 Contribute to the design (1)/(2)

  6. Study items 6.1 Physics list (or process manager) per region