Plan 2008

Run. Event and Detector Response WG

Work plan 2008

1] Parallel navigation

  • Finalize
  • Co-work with Geometry and Generic Processes WGs

2] Command-based scoring

  • Finalize box mesh
  • Introduce / finalize cylindrical mesh

3] Prototype multi-core extension of Geant4

Gene Cooperman and his student, Xin Dong, developed a prototype thread-parallel version of Geant4 (event-level parallelism) to take advantage of multi-core processors.

In this prototype all global data is made thread-local (thread-private). Future work will concentrate on enhancing the spatial locality of the code to better use the limited cache.

Two opportunities for this are: (1) selectively allowing the larger data structures to be shared instead of thread-local; and (2) coordinating threads to use the same Geant4 code at the same time (for example, to prioritize processing of tracks concerned with a particular particle first). Other advantages are the ability to parallelize slow initialization code, and the potential for fine-grained track-level parallelism.