OpenGL drivers
- Complete support of Qt6 (1)
- Rubberband picking (2)/(*)
- Adapt to newer OpenGL versions, exploit new functionalities
and replace deprecated calls such as glBegin/glEnd (2)/(*)
Vtk driver
- Jupyter notebook interface to VTK (via KitWare Trame) (1)/(2)
- Shared AR viewer target export (1)/(2)
- USD(Z) export (1)/(2)
- Solid cylinder for trajectory (option) to enable usage of exported
data in a wide range of 3D applications (1)/(2)
- Physicially based rendering (PBR) for VTK (1)/(2)
- Short video on VTK driver (1)/(2)
Open Inventor
- Refinements and extensions to the Open Inventor Qt Viewer (1)/(2)
- Work on reference path to move through the geometry (*)
- Improved use/install of Coin library (*)
Other drivers
- Improvements and further developments to native Qt3D driver
(text, transparency…) (2)
- Improvements and further developments to tools_sg (TSG) driver based
on g4tools (2)
- Ability to change color map according to preset maps (2)/(*)
- Development of visualisation solutions for iOS and Android devices (2)/(*)