Geant4 9.2 - patch-02 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 28 August 2009 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.2.p01: o Configuration: ------------- + Configure script: o Rewritten check on make/gmake on WIN32-VC systems to avoid problems with cygwin and Matlab. o Added check to build Qt driver only when Qt UI module is built; reordered moc checks and added cross-check on moc version. Added safety reset of OpenGL QT build and use variables. o Commented out echo compatibility warning. Addresses problem report #1067. + Corrections in analysis.gmk for AIDA setup on Windows. + Improved non-standard setup for Qt on Linux, Mac and Windows. + Removed "-lcxa -lunwind" LOADLIBS addition in Linux-icc.gmk, no longer necessary since icc version 11.0.083. + Added -arch_multiple option to LDFLAGS in Darwin-g++.gmk to force more diagnostics for wrong architecture errors at link stage. + binmake.gmk: moved definition of TARGOBJEXT to place not dependent on G4EXLIB, such that the extension is defined when no lib is present (change required for upgrading exercisers in testing). o Digits_Hits: ----------- + Replaced usage of non-Standard calls to sprintf() with ostringstream, to fix compilation errors reported by gcc-4.4.0 compiler. o Environments: ------------ + G4Py: updated configuration scripts and some minor fixes. o Event: ----- + Minor changes to G4GeneralParticleSourceMessenger to now use full range of predefined units for length, energy and angle. + Fixed gcc-4.4.0 compilation warning message for non-initialised variable in G4SPSEneDistribution. o Geometry: -------- + magnetic_field: o Minor enhancement in G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointS() in order to speedup Brent locator. o Added 3rd term of BMT equation (Spin x Beta x Efield) to G4EqEMFieldWithSpin, as reported in the Emfield Hypernews Forum posting #155. o Moved renormalization of spin from G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and G4Mag_SpinEqRhs to G4ClassicalRK4 and G4SimpleHeum. o Added Spin propagation errors to the criteria for 'OneGoodStep' in G4MagIntegratorDriver; not added it yet to the decision logic. o Some code cleanup and formatting. + management: o Added explicit initialisation of min/max extent in method BuildReplicaVoxels() in G4SmartVoxelHeader. o Adopt 'const' references for strings as arguments/return-values in G4LogicalSurface. Some minor cleanup... + navigation: o Fix in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() for the computation of rotation of the 'LocalExitNormal' in cases when DistanceToOut() returns non-valid normal for optical photons in rotated solids. Addresses problem report #1059. o Fix in G4PathFinder: a geometry is at a boundary if its step is within tolerance of the minimum step for any defined geometry. o Enhancement to the 'FB_intersects' algorithm in order to speedup Brent locator. o Fix in the usage of the geometrical tolerance in G4VIntersectionLocator in method AdjustementOfFoundIntersection(). o Fix in G4PropagatorInField::SetNavigator() to forward new navigator to G4VIntersectionLocator. o Added method BuildContainerSolid() taking a solid as argument to G4PhantomParameterisation and added protection to GetMaterialIndex() for zero index. + solids/CSG: o Introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v) splitting of the distance for point very far from intersection area and big difference between solid dimensions and distance to it; resolves issue observed on 64 bits systems. Affected solids: G4Tubs, G4Cons, G4Sphere, G4Orb. Addresses problem report #1022. + solids/specific: o G4Ellipsoid: - Fixes in Inside(p) and in DistanceToIn(p,v) for points located on the curved surface within tolerance. Final fix for issue reported in problem report #1050 and concerning warnings reported by grid_test. - Introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v) splitting of the distance for point very far from intersection area and big difference between solid dimensions and distance to it; resolves issue observed on 64 bits problem. Also addressing problem report #1022. - Fix to DistanceToIn(p,v) in the calculation of the roots of the quadratic equation and in DistanceToOut(p,v) in the calculation of the normal on cut surfaces. Final fix for problem report #1022. - Adopt pre-computed half-tolerance values for optimisation. o G4PolyconeSide: added protection in method Normal(). Addressing problem report #1073. o Corrected typo in base implementation of GetSurfaceArea() in G4VCSGfaceted, which was erroneously returning cubic volume estimation. Addresses problem report #1062. o Relaxed error in G4TessellatedSolid::Inside(p) to warning, for excess of max trials and anomalous conditions in distance calculation. Added more printout information when error condition is detected. + volumes: o Get rid of unnecessary call to Reset() in G4NavigationHistory destructor. o Some code formatting. o Global: ------ + Some improvements to G4String and G4SubString implementation of operators and comparison stub functions, to reduce generation of temporaries. Removed obsolete static hash(s) method in G4String. + Changed date for patch-02 to release 9.2. o Particles: --------- + Ascertain that the absolute of the argument to boost is <1.0 in G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin. o Standard Electromagnetic Processes: ---------------------------------- + Muons: added protection against numerical problem due to negative value of transfered energy in G4MuPairProductionModel. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections: o G4IonsKoxCrossSection, G4IonsShenCrossSection, G4TripathiCrossSection, G4TripathiLightCrossSection: added protections against numerical exceptions. Added simple check that cross-section is positive and removed not optimal control in G4TripathiLightIonCrossSection class. Added default constructor and destructor to G4TripathiCrossSection. o G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection: updated Glauber-Gribov cross section for ions. o G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry: fixes for better memory management. + models/neutron_hp: o Fixed bug in IC electron emissions for G4NeutronHPPhotonDist and G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS. + models/parton_string: o Fix in G4SPBaryon for anti-baryon: a diquark & quark was given instead of anti-diquark & antiquark; note the reverse order, too. Fixes problems with incident anti-baryons, e.g. anti-proton, manifesting in problems with forming hadrons. o Changed pt sampling in G4LundStringFragmentation to avoid near endless loop; this should improve overall performance slightly. Addresses problem report #1066. Affected G4VLongitudinalStringDecay, where SampleQuarkPt() is implemented; added new optional argument of max Pt to SampleQuarkPt(). o Modifications in G4GammaParticipants and G4QGSParticipants for applying QGSC from zero energy. + models/qmd: o Fixed bug in gamma (mass zero) participants in G4QMDCollision. o Changed object data member to pointer in G4QMDReaction. + models/rpg: o Removed global variables (pointers to static particle definitions) in G4RPGInelastic and replaced with local array. Fixing issues of wrong order for static initialization. + processes: o Fix to address problem report #1056: cross section data set now are created dynamically in G4PhotoNuclearProcess, G4ElectronNuclearProcess and G4PositronNuclearProcess. o Moved inline constructor and destructors to source in class G4PositronNuclearProcess. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Cuts: o Added missing implementation of GetParticleType() in G4VRangeToEnergyConverter. o Replaced usage of std::abs() with std::fabs() where appropriate. + Optical: o Fix in G4OpBoundaryProcess for complex index of refraction: resample the reflectivity every time for DielectricMetal, and do not re-calculate normal to facet; also fixed possible infinite loop by resetting iTE and iTM inside GetReflectivity(). o Added exception for cases where invalid normal is returned; following problem report #1060. o Persistency: ----------- + gdml: o Defined missing copy constructor and operator=() to G4GDMLMatrix internal class, to avoid cases of memory corruption when handling matrices. o Correction in materials and solids tags for allowing parsing of definitions within the tag scope; possibility foreseen by the schema. o Correction in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() in order to handle cases of nested displaced solids given to both operands in a Boolean operation (ATLAS use case). o Renamed flag for maximum number of transformations applied to a solid and moved to G4GDMLWriteSolids base class. o First virtual layer for custom writer classes; added empty default constructor and virtual destructor to classes in new inheritance chain. o Restricted usage of loops only for placement of volumes. Now correctly handling most common use-case of multiple copies of the same volume/solid through loop statement. Addressing problem report #1063. o Physics Lists: ------------- + Fix to address problem report #1056: all cross section data sets are created dynamically and no longer member of the class. Fix in G4HadronInelasticQBBC: cross sections are created dynamically not by value, fission only instantiated for HP. + Inline constructor and destructors are moved to source for classes: G4VNeutronBuilder, G4VPiKBuilder, G4VProtonBuilder, G4WarnPLStatus. o Visualization: ------------- + HepRep: added inclusion of in DeflateOutputStreamBuffer header to resolve compilation errors reported by gcc-4.4.0. o Examples: -------- + Removed unnecessary AIDA setup in GNUmakefiles wherever necessary. + advanced/air_shower: o Updated README file. + advanced/nanobeam: o Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-4.3 on SLC5. + advanced/radiation_monitor: o Added macros reproducing run results: new results with proton at 254MeV, 150 Mev and 50 Mev of energy; new macros with Kapton material. o Changed limits of LENeutronInelastic for 0.1 GeV in RadmonPhysicsNeutronBertini and RadmonPhysicsNeutronBinary classes. o Fix for compilation error in RadmonTLabelledCollection. + advanced/xray_fluorescence: o Reviewed physics setup and analysis. + extended/analysis/AnaEx01: o Corrected GNUmakefile and some cleanup. + extended/field/field04: o Commented out timing on initial seed for reproducibility of results. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01: o Modified loop.gdml to restrict multiple placements within a loop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This is a cumulative patch and can be applied on top of relese 9.2 or 9.2.p01. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.2 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.2 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.