Geant4 9.3 - patch-02 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 17 September 2010 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.3.p01: o Configuration: ------------- + Configure script: o Updated internal scripts for Configure: protected echos on LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that output from use of Configure post-install is clean. Also addressing problem report #1139. o Fixed selection of XERCESCROOT path for Windows. o Added quoting of uname in Qt.U to prevent Power Mac problems. o Added removal of quotes from make version string to handle non-English language systems. + Simplified QTLIBPATH setup in Linux-g++.gmk. + Increased stack size on WIN32-VC setup (i.e. 8MB as on Linux), adding the option to LDFLAGS. o Digits+Hits: ----------- + Added missing virtual destructor to G4VScoringMesh and removed unnecessary virtual qualifiers to G4ScoringBox. o Event: ----- + Improved logic in G4PrimaryTransformer. Addressing problem report #1101. + Fixed compilation warning in G4SmartTrackStack issued with gcc 4.5.0. + Removed obsolete CLHEP_HepMC option from G4EventManager class. + Fixed electron mass correction for ions in G4PrimaryTransformer. o Geometry: -------- + biasing: o G4IStore: corrected use of internal cell-importance iterator to avoid invalidation in methods GetImportance(). o Corrected mispelled name for GetLowerWeight() method in classes G4WeightWindowStore and G4VWeightWindowStore. Fixed use of internal cell-importance iterator in G4WeightWindowStore::GetLowerWeight() to avoid cases of invalidation. o Fixed initialization of data in copy-constructor for G4GeometryCell. + divisions: o Improved logic in G4PVDivision constructors and in method G4PVDivisionFactory::CreatePVDivision() in case of invalid construct. o Properly initialise Boolean flag 'bDivInTrap' in G4VParameterisationTrd constructor. o G4ParameterisationTrd: disabled unreachable error message in method G4ParameterisationTrdX::CheckParametersValidity(). o Removed uninitialised member in G4ParameterisationTrdX and correction in method ComputeSolid(). o Get rid of unnecessary virtual specification for leaf classes in the hierarchy. + magneticfield: o Fixed cases of possible memory corruption in G4RKG3_Stepper. o Fixed case of unused array data member in G4ExactHelixStepper. o Removed useless code never executed in G4ConstRK4::Stepper(). o Fixed initialization in constructor and fixed passing of time in G4NystromRK4. o Added dummy initialization of data members in constructors. + management: o Fixed compilation errors for code within G4GEOMETRY_VOXELDEBUG flag in G4GeometryManager and G4SmartVoxelHeader. o Added printout of voxel limits in G4SmartVoxelHeader::Buildnodes(). o G4LogicalSurface: made virtual destructor and constructors not inline. o G4SmartVoxelHeader: fixed potential case of invalid iterator in deletion of test slices in BuildVoxelsWithinLimits(). o G4GeometryManager: restore cout precision after printing voxel statistics. o Added dummy initialization of data members in constructors. + navigation: o Fix in G4GeomTestSegment::FindSomePoints(), to address problem report #980. o Fixed array out of bound error in G4MultipleNavigator and G4PathFinder constructors. o Fixed cout precision restoring where applicable. o Replaced use of DBL_MAX for distances with kInfinity in G4MultiNavigator and G4Navigator internals. o Added dummy initialisation of data members in constructors. + solids/BREPS: o Fixed possible leaks in G4BREPSolid::IsConvex() method, G4ToroidalSurface destructor, G4BezierSurface::ClipSurface() method and G4OsloMatrix construction. o Corrected possible dereferencing of null pointer in method G4BREPSolidSphere::DistanceToOut(). o Corrected deletion of internal data in G4BSplineCurve::Project() method. o G4Assembly: corrected case of invalid iterator in destructor. o G4Hyperbola: corrected signature to internal Init() function to avoid parameter passed by value. o G4BSplineCurve: corrected initialization of null pointer in Project(). o G4CompositeCurve, G4SurfaceBoundary: corrected cases of invalid iterator. o Some code cleanup in G4ConicalSurface, GCylindricalSurface and G4SpericalSurface. o Added dummy initialisation of static data where applicable. + solids/CSG: o G4Torus: fix in DistanceToOut(p,v,...) to address problem report #1081. Fixed call to internal method for finding roots, to avoid copy of sdt::vector() by parameters. Some cleanup to avoid unnecessary protected section and virtual table. o Fixed condition in G4Tubs::Inside(p) for point on surface. o Corrected use of std::fabs() in place of std::abs() in G4Tubs, G4Cons, G4Sphere and G4Torus. Use pre-computed half-tolerance constants in G4Torus. o Improved initialisation logic in several constructors. o Corrected cases of not-restored cout precision where applicable. + solids/specific: o Fix in G4TriangularFacet and G4TessellatedSolid to correct treatment of optical photon transport related to internal reflection at surface. Addresses problem report #1103. o G4ExtrudedSolid: eliminated requirement for clockwise ordering of polygon vertices. Added a check for vertices ordering; if vertices are defined anti-clockwise their ordering is reverted. Fix in polygon facet triangularization for consequent concave vertices. o Fixed deletion of internal arrays in CreatePolyhedron() for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra. o G4EllipticalTube: extended implementation of SurfaceNormal(p) in agreement with canonical form. o Fixed cases of division by zero in G4VTwistSurface and G4TwistBoxSide. o Use INT_MAX as initialisation for max limits in G4SolidExtentList. o Fixed potential case of dereferencing null pointer in methods G4EllipticalTube::DistanceToOut(p,v), G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToIn(p,v) and G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToOut(p,v). o Fixed unecessary object copy as argument in method G4PolyhedraSide::IntersectSidePlane(). o Replaced calls to std::abs() with std::fabs() where suitable. o Added dummy initialization of data members where applicable. + volumes: o Added Reset() method to G4ReflectionFactory for clearing maps of constituent and reflected volumes. o Global: ------ + More safe numerical computation of A13() and logA() methods in G4Pow. + Added INT_MAX and INT_MIN portability macros in templates.hh. + Fixed cases of invalidated iterator in G4StateManager. + Added dummy initialization of data members in constructors. + Changed date for patch-02 to release 9.3. o Interfaces: ---------- + Fixed call to contructor QKeySequence() in G4UIQt:AddButton() to allow for porting on gcc-4.5.0. Addresses problem report #1127. o Particles: --------- + Fixed logic bug in G4ExcitedMesonConstructor::Add3PiMode(). + G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin: corrected sign error. o Persistency: ----------- + Corrected dump of division axis in GDML writer. + Fixed printout of unit in G4GDMLWriteStructure for replicas and divisions, in the case of angles. + Added missing virtual destructor to G4tgbDetectorBuilder in ASCII module. Fixed signature for std::map in G4tgrVolumeMgr header. + Fixed recursive header inclusion in G4PersistencyCenter class in 'mctruth' module, and added dummy initialization of data members in constructors. o Low-energy Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------------------ + Fixed bugs in G4AtomicDeexcitation and G4AugerTransition to cure crash on Windows. + Corrected return value case in method GetPhotoElectronDirection() in G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila. Addressing problem report #1120. o Standard Electromagnetic Processes: ---------------------------------- + Adjoint: o G4AdjointAlongStepWeightCorrection: get rid of call to non-Standard isnan(), replaced by explicit validity test. o G4AdjointhMultipleScattering: removed unused header. + Polarisation: o Fix in G4ePolarizedIonisation to use default vector size of G4VEnergyLossProcess and avoid size mismatch in G4LossTableBuilder. + Standard: o G4eBremsstrahlungModel: fix in SelectRandomAtom() method. Addressing problem report #1115. o Fixed G4_O data in G4ASTARStopping. Fixed G4_Pt and G4_PROPANE data in G4PSTARStopping. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + models/cascade: o Fix for long-standing problem of energy non conservation in pion-nuclear reaction on very light nuclei (in particular He) in G4CascadeInterface. The workaround re-samples the interaction in the rare case when an unphysical final state with baryon number violation is generated. + models/CHIPS: o Fix in G4ChiralInvariantPhaseSpace to catch previously un-handled exceptions produced when a 'chipolino' pseudo-particle is produced by the model and thrown by Q4QEnvironment::Fragment; handles the case in which Q4QEnvironment returns a 90000000 fragment, and converts it to a gamma. Addressing problem report #1138. o Bug fix in G4QNucleus::ChoosePosition() for looping. o Fix in fragmentation module for run-time warning on Windows. + models/de_excitation: o Fixed numerical problem (division by zero) in G4GEMProbability. + models/neutron_hp: o Added safety for zero length cross-section table in G4NeutronHPFissionData. Addressing problem report #1118. o Add safety for negative value in G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS. o Added model name in constructor of G4NeutronHPThermalScattering. Addressing problem report #1116. o Modified sampling in G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS. o Fix bug about incidence energy in G4NeutronHPEnAngCorrelation. + models/parton_string/hadronization o Improved Lund string fragmentation. o Fixed inconsistency between LightFragmentationTest and Lund fragmentation. o Fixed problems of energy non-conservation in FTF. + models/photolepton_hadron/muon_nuclear: o G4MuNuclearInteraction: properly clear hadronic tracks PostStepDoIt(). + models/util: o G4Fancy3DNucleus: added missing std:: to call to sort() algorithm. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Biasing: o G4WeightWindowProcess: corrected call to method GetLowerWeight() in G4WeightWindowStore, after correction of mispelled name. + Optical: o Fix for backpainted surfaces to avoid applying twice reflectivity. Addressing problem report #1114. o Fixed sampling of 'theFacetNormal' for 'polishedbackpainted' material in G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricDielectric() method. Address problem reported on Hypernews Optical Processes Forum, thread #334. o Refashioned code in the case of type 'dielectric_dielect'. + Transportation: o Fix to G4Transportation to properly update the step flag which identifies the last step in a volume (applies for linear steps only, i.e. no field). Partially addressing problem report #1032. o Run: --- + Corrected printing of number of events processed on run abortion. + Fixed definition of path for Windows in G4RunManager for random seeds directory: use '\' instead of '/' and suitable system command. + Use "const G4String&" as arguments and return value wherever applicable in G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel. + Added dummy initialisation of data members in constructors. + Use canonical form for exceptions in G4RunManager and added dummy return statements; same in G4VUserPhysicsList. o Examples: -------- + Migrated physics-lists to use particle-based multiple-scattering wherever necessary, and updated reference outputs. + advanced/human_phantom: o Added missing includes, causing compilation error. o Migrated physics-lists. o Corrected commands in some macros. + extended/geometry/olap: o Fixed compilation error for setting of kRadTolerance. o Removed inclusion of obsolete G4ParticleWithCuts header. + extended/persistency/gdml/G03: o Corrected selection of G4UItcsh in main(), to fix problem on Windows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of relese 9.3. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.3 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.3 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.