Geant4 9.5 - patch-02 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 22 October 2012 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.5.p01: o Environments ------------ + G4Py: o Updated scripts for use of internal CLHEP module. o Added necessary updates for 9.5.p01. Addressing problem report #1317. o Fixed logics in configuration script for specifying Python include path. Addressing problem report #1316. o Fixes in pyG4VisManager: added static statement for GetVerbosity() and fixed GetConcreteInstance() returning an insufficient class pointer. Addressing problem report #1318. o Digits_Hits: ----------- + G4VScoringMesh: avoid updating size and segment in command-line scoring and print warning when SetSize() or SetNumberOfSegments is called more then once. o Error Propagation: ----------------- + Fixes in G4ErrorTrackLengthTarget and G4VErrorLimitProcess to solve memory leak. Addressing problem report #1284. + Fixed variable name (partType -> partName) in G4ErrorFreeTrajState and delete code not needed in G4ErrorPhysicsList. + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants and fixed spurious cases of hidden variables. o Event: ----- + Correction for orthogonalization of rotation matrix in G4SPSPosDistribution::GenerateRotationMatrices() method. Addressing problem report #1299. o Geometry: -------- + biasing: + divisions: + management: o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + navigation: o G4Navigator: added method GetGlobalExitNormal() to be used in place of GetLocalExitNormal() by optical processes, to address problem report #1300. Compute normals also for replicas. Moved internal methods GetSavedState() and RestoreSavedState() to protected. o G4PropagatorInField, G4VIntersectionLocator: corrected two arguments of IntersectChord() to be const references instead of copy (fix for CPU performance). o G4Navigator, G4MultiNavigator and G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: use 'true' as default value for state keeping. o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + solids/Boolean: o G4SubtractionSolid: refined protection for potential cases of infinite loop in DistanceToIn(p,v); return computed distance instead of zero and provide more descriptive information when issuing warning. + solids/BREPS: o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + solids/CSG: o G4Para::SurfaceNormal(): fixed calculation of sin(alpha) from cosine and tangent. o G4Torus: revised values of delta, to account for precision loss in calculating radius 'pt'. Reordered a few computation for better FP accuracy. + volumes: o Corrected GNUMakefile for spurious inclusion path. o Global: ------ + G4PhysicsVector: added GetMaxEnergy() inlined method; indicate inline methods in header file by explicitly adding inline keyword; added inline method Value() and private method ComputeValue() in order to have inline access to the value for the case of multiple calls with the the same energy value. + Correction to G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector to fix ordering of elements. + G4UnitsTable: added call to BuildUnitsTable() from static accessor to guarantee proper initialization of units in static calls. Modified warnings in cout to be compliant with G4Exception syntax. + Implemented workaround to aid for templated symbols of G4ReferenceCountedHandle to be properly imported/exported for DLL build on Windows systems based on CMake. Addressing problem report #1329. + Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + Updated date and version for 9.5.p02. o Intercoms: --------- + Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. o Interfaces: ---------- + Fix in G4UIWin32 to make it work on Win64; replaced [Get|Set]WindowLong() with [Get|Set]WindowLongPtr() and GWL_USERDATA by GWLP_USERDATA. o Particles: --------- + Fixed bug in decay table for k_star-. + Modified G4eDecayProduct to use std::vector instead of fixed size array, removing limitation of number of daughters. o Persistency: ----------- + ASCII: o Fixed case of conversion from size_t to G4int in G4tgrUtils in function AreWordsEquivalent(), detected on win64 system. + GDML: o Proper handling of constant material properties. o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + Standard: o G4eplusAnnihilation: fixed weight propagation for annihilation at rest. o G4IonFluctuations: use simplified algorithm for very small steps to avoid infinite loop in tracking of very low energy (~10 eV) ions. Addressing problem report #1345. o G4UrbanMscModel90: added protection against very low step limit to avoid infinite loop in tracking of very low energy (~10 eV) ions. Addressing problem report #1345. o G4UrbanMscModel92: use more loose protection against large angle scattering (1000 -> 10000). o Added missing reference to G4UrbanMscModel92 files in CMake script. + Utils: o Fixed weight propagation from primary to secondaries in G4VEmProcess. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections: o G4HadronCrossSections: use cache of previous cross-section and G4Pow to save some CPU time. + management: o G4HadronicProcess: avoid cross-section computation in PostStepDoIt for neutral hadrons (minor improvement in CPU time). + models/binary_cascade: o Fixed case of use of Lorentz vector explicit contructor in G4BinaryCascade. + models/CHIPS: o Fix to linear table update for quasi-elastic cross-sections, also responsible for event non-reproducibility. o Fixed bug in ElectroNuclearReaction. Addressing problem report #1354. o Fixed cases of use of Lorentz vector explicit contructor in G4QFragmentation and G4Quasmon. + models/de_excitation: o G4DiscreteGammaTransition: fixed algorithm of selection of discrete transition; restore transition to the ground state in gamma+C12 reaction. Addressing problem report #1338. + models/lend: o Fixed GNUmakefile for use of internal expat library, if explicitely chosen. o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + models/neutron_hp: o Fixed case of use of Lorentz vector explicit contructor in G4NeutronHPCaptureFS. + models/parton_string/hadronization: o Removed unnecessary assertions in G4ExcitedStringDecay and removed debug printouts. o Made copy ctor, =, == , and != operators private without implementation in G4LundStringFragmentation and G4QGSMFragmentation, fixing coverity warnings. + models/qmd: o Fixed compilation warning on win64 in G4QMDMeanField. + models/quasi_elastic o Bug fix in G4QuasiElRatios affecting the initialisation of table. Bug fix fixing wrong initialization of linear table and influencing event reproducibility. + processes: o G4WHadronElasticProcess: fixed time and weight of recoil nuclear. o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + stopping: o G4PiMinusAbsorptionBertini: if Bertini fails to interact projectile, return untouched projectile track as G4ParticleChange, so process manager can decay it. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Biasing: o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + Cuts: o Fixed compilation warning in G4VRangeToEnergyConverter if G4_NO_VERBOSE set. o Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. + Optical: o Adopt call to GlobalExitNormal() from G4Navigator in G4OpBoundaryProcess for proper extrapolation of normals on boundaries. Addressing problem report #1300. o Fixed Coverity defects and cases of variable shadowing. + Transportation: o G4Transportation: corrected issues with initilisation of data members reported by Coverity. o Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants and fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Track: ----- + Fixed bug in copy constructor of G4VUUserTrackInformation. Addressing problem report #1346. o Visualization: ------------- + OpenGL: fix in G4OpenGLWin32Viewer to make it work on Win64; replaced [Get|Set]WindowLong() with [Get|Set]WindowLongPtr() and GWL_USERDATA by GWLP_USERDATA. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs. + advanced/composite_calorimeter: o Fixed crashes due to high global times converted to integers values. Addressing problem report #1337. + advanced/human_phantom: o Make destructor virtual in G4BasePhantomBuilder. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7 o Fixed compilation problems on Mac for c2_functions. o Fixed case of division by zero at initialisation in G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil + extended/field/field04 o Renamed global allocator for F04Trajectory to not clash with one defined in the kernel. Fixes compilation problem on Windows. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01: o Added missing unit in opticalsurfaces.gdml. + extended/persistency/P01: o Fixes in GNUMakefile and CMake scripts. o Removed unnecessary G4Exception from the code. o Added root macro to read the hits. o Removed debug printout; small fix in the iterator type. + examples/novice/N07: o Added protection within G4VERBOSE in ExN07SteppingVerbose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 9.5 or 9.5.p01. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.5 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.5.p02 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.