Public Minutes of 88 th Steering Board Meeting

December 17th, 2014

Attendees: Makoto Asai, Andrea Dotti, Soon Yung Jun, Jeremy Brown, Michael Kelsey, Ben Morgan, Ivana Hrivnacova, Alberto Ribon, Marc Verderi, John Allison (OB Liaison), Gunter Folger, Koichi Murakami, Dennis Wright, Gabriele Cosmo, Vladimir Ivantchenko

Excuses: Hisaya Kurashige, Sebastien Incerti, Laurent Garnier, Luciano Pandola, Takashi Sasaki

**Invited: **

1. Regular items

o Open Requirements, pending actions and open bug reports are reviewed. For this last item, assignees of long standing bug reports have been asked for detailed status reports on the issues and these reports are reviewed.

o It was reported that 10.1 is up to 10% faster than 10.0 and requires less than half memory space per thread in MT mode.

2. Collaboration main web pages

o It is agreed to launch a project of porting Collaboration main web pages hosted at CERN including the tags-database to Drupal-7. The migration is expected to be completed by 1Q 2016.

o For driving this effort, a new task force is formed, chaired by Gunter Folger and co-chaired by Ivana Hrivnacova and Michael Kelsey.

o During this migration process, if it turns out that Drupal-7 is not ideal, alternative solutions will have to be discussed.

3. Collaboration census

o Membership needs to be renewed in January.

o Each WG will conduct census, to be completed by the end of January.

4. General paper

o Status is reviewed.

o The author list will be finalized by the end of the winter break.

5. Changing hadronic model parameters by users

o Policy of offering the ability for the user to change physics model parameters was proposed by the Geant4 hadronics-WG and the Steering Board agreed on the proposal.

o In selected cases, to be evaluated by the Geant4 hadronics-WG, Geant4 supports changes of hadronic model parameters with partners:

o For “support” we mean documenting which parameters can be varied and within what range, debugging in the case of problems, and performing some physics validation.

o For “partners” we mean Geant4 users willing to help the developers in this effort, to provide feedback and complete information, and to perform physics validation requested by Geant4.

o In those cases in which Geant4 does not support changes of hadronic model parameters, users are anyhow allowed to try doing it themselves given that the code is open, or even seek the help of individual Geant4 developers, but no support by the Geant4 Collaboration should be expected.

o For any use of the modified models, each public presentation and publication of the results must clearly state that a modified version of Geant4 has been used, and document the parameters changed and their values.

o The Steering Board shall be informed when the hadronics-WG supports selected partners.

6. AOB

6.1. Near future events

o Technical Forum

o January 14th, 2015 @ CERN


o HEP Software Foundation meeting

o January 20-21, 2015 @ SLAC


o CHEP 2015

o Apr. 13-17 @ OIST, Okinawa, Japan


o M\&C+SNA+MC 2015

o Apr. 19-23, 2015 @ Nashville, TN, USA


o G4 has one full day workshop.

o 11th Geant4 Space Users Workshop

o August 26-28, 2015 @ Hiroshima, Japan

o 20th Collaboration meeting

o September 28-October 2, 2015 @ FermiLab

Meeting Date

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - 12:00