2025 Planned Features
Items in this list are related to developments scheduled for the current year. Fixes, studies and maintenance items, as well as normal testing, Q/A tasks are not mentioned here, as part of routine activity
NOTE: Items marked with (*) may or may not be achieved in 2025.
Configuration & Software Management
- Update collaboration tools to use new CERN Authentication methods - (1)
- Review numerical methods and corresponding functions/classes used across toolkit for commonality and optimization - (1)/(2)
- Modularization of Geant4 Libraries - (1)/(2)
- Configuration/Build tools for User Applications: provide pkg-config scripts for use by non-CMake build tools - (2)
- Investigate use of GitLab/Hub CI as a possible replacement for Jenkins - (2)
Electromagnetic physics & optical processes
- Infrastructure:
- Provide option to enable/disable fluctuations per G4Region - (1)
- Parallel initialisation of EM physics - (2)
- R&D - G4HepEm:
- Configuration per detector region: e.g. provide the possibility to use different MSC stepping in different detector regions - (1)
- Add the missing gamma- and lepto-nuclear cross-section and implement connection layer for tracks from G4HepEm to native Geant4 tracking for sampling of final state of nuclear processes - (1)
- Implement the “general process”-like handling of the macroscopic cross-sections - (1)
- Implement the possibility of Woodcock tracking of gamma photons - (1)
- Extension and optimisation of tracking algorithms per particle type - (2)
- High Energy Physics developments:
- Provide an option to use EPICS-2017 data for Compton scattering - (1)
- Experimental validation and update of G4ChannelingFastSimModel, G4BaierKatkov and G4CoherentPairProduction models - (2)
- Implementation of a ML model trained on Particle-in-Cell simulations of laser-driven plasma wake field acceleration - (2)
- Development of methods for simulation of inverse Compton scattering - (2)
- Integration of polarization and quantum entanglement effects in cascade gammas and ?<80>0 decay gammas - (2)
- Low Energy Physics models:
- Maintenance and refinement of polarised/non-polarised Compton models - (1)/(2)
- Investigations of models mor ion-plasma stopping powers - (2)
- Extended microelectronics code for additional materials - (2)
- Optical photon processes and X-ray physics:
- Introduce model approach into Cerenkov, Scintillation, and WLS processes, activated for logical volumes - (1)
- Allow specification of border surfaces by material or logical volume - (1)
- Maintenance and optimisation of optical classes - (1)/(2)
- Implement a new Cerenkov model valid for thin materials - (2)
- Introduce spline fitting to the spectra inputs for optical physics - (2)
- Complete the X-ray Bragg reflection on a cylindrical lens - (2)
- Implementation of X-ray refraction processes - (2)
- DNA physics & chemistry
- Removal of dependency of DNA sub-library from analysis sub-library - (1)
- Improvement of DNA physics models for ions - (1)/(2)
- Study of optimal energy overlap between G4-DNA RPWBA and Born model - (1)/(2)
- Development of the physics and physics-chemical stage for e- and e+ interactions with gaseous N2, O2, CO2 - (1)/(2)
- Human normal and malignant cell irradiations with different ion species in order to estimate RBE dependence on LET and valuation of DNA DSB followed as a function of post-irradiation time. Obtained results in vitro will be compared with numerical simulations - (1)/(2)
- Implementation of molecular excitation cross-section model and validation - (1)/(2)
- Integration of new models for Li ions - (2)
- Carbon ions implementation in Geant4-DNA - (2)
- Update to chemistry module: IRT-syn model and mesoscopic model - (2)
- Implementation of cellular oxygen chemistry in G4DNA chemistry options - (2)
- Implementation of the Relativistic Option 4 electron inelastic model - (2)
- Radio enhancement studies for gold nanoparticles with the newly developed dielectric relativistic models for gold - (2)
- Prototype of software for the simulation of water radiolysis under multi-pulse irradiation - (2)
- Validation & Testing:
- Validation of new 5D generators for muon pair production - (1)/(2)
- Validation of 3-gamma annihilation models for different EM physics lists - (1)/(2)
- Benchmarking simulations using the relativistic version of DNA_Option4 as inelastic with ELSEPA elastic model and comparison with Uehara elastic model - (1)/(2)
- Benchmarking and validation of the new inelastic models for gold material within the relativistic plane wave Born approximation up to 1 MeV - (1)/(2)
- Validation of physics list for radiation dosimetry standards in metrology field - (2)
Geometry & Field Transport
- Optimisation of QSS field driver (Quantized State Simulation) - (1)
- Extensions/improvements to parallel geometry initialisation - (1)/(2)
- Improve robustness and performance of selected Geant4 solids - (1)/(2)
- Use of multi-threading to speed up overlap checking and volume calculation - (2)
- Investigate alternative implementation of navigation history - (2)
- Improve default values of parameters for field propagation - (2)
- Complete prototype on surface bounded volumes in VecGeom - (2)
Hadronic Physics
- String Models
- Verification of the string rotation algorithm of FTF model using Cronin’s experimental data on p-A interactions at 200, 300, and 400 GeV/c - (1)/(2)
- Tuning of QGS parameters for descriptions of meson production in p-p and p-A interactions using NA61/SHINE experimental data, especially for the description of strange meson production - (1)/(2)
- Study of FTF model possibilities for descriptions of nucleus-nucleus interactions at E_cms_NN > 3 GeV - (1)/(2)
- Study of p-p and d-d elastic scattering codes in Geant4, and possibly improvement based on experimental data - (1)/(2)
- Testing and possible improvements of the production of strange particles in hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions in the FTF and QGS models coupled with Preco or Binary cascade models, using new experimental data at various initial energies - (1)/(2)
- Analysis of probabilities and kinematical spectra of charmed particles produced in hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus interactions in FTF and QGS models, using data of various experiments - (1)/(2)
- Review of Birks’ treatment in hadronic calorimeters to take into account the interplay between string (FTF) and intra-nuclear cascade (BERT) models - (1)/(2)
- Model parameter studies of FTF and other models (Preco, Bertini, etc.) as well - (1)/(2)
- Maintenance and improvement of the hadronic framework; code improvements of FTF and QGS models - (1)/(2)
- Intra-nuclear Cascade models
- Code review and maintenance in Bertini-like (BERT) and Binary (BIC) models - (1)/(2)
- Extension for antineutron in Liege (INCLXX) model - (1)/(2)
- Precompound/de-excitation Models
- Improvements in ABLA++ model to the description of fission-barrier heights with existing experimental data - (1)/(2)
- Addition of more fission modes in ABLA++ to improve the description of mass and charge distributions of fission fragments - (1)/(2)
- Code review and improvements to the de-excitation module - (1)/(2)
- Radioactive Decay model
- Improvements and testing of the radioactive decay biasing - (1)/(2)
- High Precision (HP) Models
- Implement the use of pre-Doppler broaden cross-section database at a given temperature; implementation of the algorithm that allows to do that at the beginning of a Geant4 simulation - (1)/(2)
- Translation of new nuclear data library releases from the ENDF-6 format to the G4NDL format, and verification - (1)/(2)
- Improvement and speed-up of Particle-HP code - (1)/(2)
- Extension of ParticleHP model to higher energies - (1)/(2)
- Implementation of the AMS (Adaptive Multilevel Splitting) variance reduction technique - (1)/(2)
- Refinements to the integration of the NuDEX model into Geant4, and expand its usage (not only in neutron capture reactions) - (1)/(2)
- Low Energy Neutron Data Model
- Updates to LEND and GIDI - (1)/(2)
- NCrystal Model
- Updates to NCrystal-Geant4 hooks - (1)/(2)
- Other models
- Development and validation of neutrino/lepton - nuclear physics - (1)/(2)
- Use of Pythia8 as an external generator: application for LDMX experiment - (1)/(2)
- Maintenance of the interface to FLUKA.CERN hadron-nucleus inelastic interactions - (1)/(2)
- Further development of the charge exchange model - (1)/(2)
- Finalising the emulation of the computation via a Deep Learning (DL) model of the QMD and LIQMD hamiltonian derivative. Exploring the possibility of emulating BLOB or a portion of it with DL - (1)/(2)
- Update of the QMD model in the energy region of heavy ion therapy - (1)/(2)
- Muonic atoms developments - (1)/(2)
- Refactoring of the implementations of Legendre polynomials - (1)/(2)
- Validation & Testing
- Coverage extendsion of hadronic tests for calorimeter test-beams and low-energy neutron tests - (1)/(2)
- Study of the sensitivity of the MC predictions to the variations of various parameters and development of needed infrastructure - (1)/(2)
- Validation of electro-production using electron beam at JLab’s energies - (1)/(2)
- Validation and support of hadron-therapy applications - (1)/(2)
- Hadronic Datasets
- Refinements to Hadronic Datasets G4ENSDFSTATE, PhotonEvaporation, RadioactiveDecay - (1)/(2)
- Update of G4PARTICLEXS based on room-temperature cross-sections of Particle-HP - (1)/(2)
Materials, Generic Processes and Parameterisations
- Fast Simulation
- Implementation and validation of GFlash code with general fast sim tools - (1)/(2)
- Continuing revision of GFlash models - (1)/(2)
- Inclusion of detailed vs fast simulation comparison/validation tests into geant-val - (1)/(2)
- Reverse Monte-Carlo
- Investigate issue with protons - (1)/(2)
- Biasing
- Investigate overlap between generic and geometrical biasing - (1)/(2)
- Prototyping of DXTRAN-like functionality - (1)/(2)
- Biasing of charged particle interaction occurrence - (1)/(2)
- Extend generic biasing scheme for at rest case - (1)/(2)
- Materials
- Code improvements - (1)/(2)
Particles & Tracking
- Update of particle properties to latest PDG data - (1)/(2)
- Implementation and testing of clone methods of trajectory and trajectory point objects; implementation and testing of caching mechanism for trajectory and trajectory point classes - (1)/(2)
- Performance tests and improvements - (1)/(2)
- Polishing up code readability and documentation - (1)/(2)
- Re-design and implementation of G4ForceConditions - (1)/(2)
Persistency & Analysis
- Regular maintenance & extensions to GDML and analysis classes- (1)/(2)
- Addition of support for parallel geometries in ASCII - (1)/(2)
Physics Lists
- Review of physics lists code - (1)/(2)
- Recommendation/documentation of physics-lists for specific use cases - (1)/(2)
- Maintenance and upgrade of the PenelopeEM physics constructor - (1)/(2)
- Review organisation of library structure to allow for optional libraries build - (1)/(2)
Physics Validation and Tools
- Collect and document existing regression tests, validation applications and benchmarks; assess coverage/observable and sensitivity - (1)/(2)
- Define a list of requirements to integrate new tests (precission, sensitivity/observable, regression/validation) - (1)/(2)
- Document methodology, tests results and infrastructure itself - (1)/(2)
- Transport of light ions validation - (1)/(2)
- Validation of Geant4 hadronic models - (1)/(2)
- Hadronic showers tests, reproducibility tests - (1)/(2)
- Protontherapy profile shape study - (1)/(2)
- Extend validation of ATLAS Electromagnetic barrel calorimeter - (1)/(2)
- Integrate tests for biasing and gflash into geant-val - (1)/(2)
Run, Event, Detector Response & Scoring
- Review of scoring in parallel world and validation of all primitive scorers - (1)/(2)
- Enhancements to material scanner utility - (1)/(2)
- Revision of drawing methods of scores - (2)
- Interface to HepMC3 with a new example - (2)
Visualisation and Graphics Representations (WORKPLAN 2024 - TO UPDATE!)
- OpenGL drivers:
- Complete support of Qt6 - (1)
- Rubberband picking (2)/(*)
- Adapt to newer OpenGL versions, exploit new functionalities and replace deprecated calls such as glBegin/glEnd - (2)/(*)
- Vtk driver:
- Jupyter notebook interface to VTK (via KitWare Trame) - (1)/(2)
- Shared AR viewer target export - (1)/(2)
- USD(Z) export - (1)/(2)
- Solid cylinder for trajectory (option) to enable usage of exported data in a wide range of 3D applications - (1)/(2)
- Physicially based rendering (PBR) for VTK - (1)/(2)
- Short video on VTK driver - (1)/(2)
- Open Inventor:
- Refinements and extensions to the Open Inventor Qt Viewer - (1)/(2)
- Work on reference path to move through the geometry - (*)
- Improved use/install of Coin library - (*)
- Other drivers:
- Improvements and further developments to native Qt3D driver (text, transparency…) - (2)
- Improvements and further developments to tools_sg (TSG) driver based on g4tools - (2)
- Ability to change color map according to preset maps - (2)/(*)
- Development of visualisation solutions for iOS and Android devices - (2)/(*)
Advanced Examples
- Maintenance and code review in selected examples - (1)/(2)
- Finish off and submit IAEAphsp example - (2)
- Validation of the molecularDNA example with experimental data from proton and helium ion irradiations and creation of new cancer cell and complex DNA geometries to be integrated in the example - (2)
- Design of realistic phantoms of C. elegans in the stim_pixe_tomography example - (2)
- Implementation of the collimators for minibeam production and small field dosimeters within the eFLASH_radiotherapy example - (2)
- Implementation and validation of the TEPC microdosimeter in exp_microdosimetry example - (2)
- Evaluation of LET dependent RBE both in silico and in vitro for the purpose of validation of the hadrontherapy example and validation with helium ion beams through comparison with publication - (2)
Novice & Extended Examples
- New example on ion Cerenkov spectrometer - (1)
- Implementation of medium with photons and thermal-photon inverse Compton scattering inside TestEm16 - (1)
- Implementation of new examples of applications in oriented crystals including crystalline undulator and positron source - (1)/(2)
- New example demonstrating Julia bindings - (1)/(2)
- New medical example on laser-plasma topic - (1)/(2)
- Finish implementation of ReverseMC example in MT - (1)/(2)
- New example illustrating generic biasing for “DXTRAN” MCNP-like option and occurrence interaction of charged particles - (1)/(2)
- Biasing examples: fix overlap among B02, B03 and GB03 examples - (1)/(2)
- Release of the generalisable fast shower simulation model (CaloDiT), with machine-learning techniques in Par04 example - (1)/(2)
- Enhance examples for sub-event parallelism and improve drawing of scores - (1)/(2)
- General oversight of exploitation of UI and Vis in all examples - (1)/(2)
- Implementation of reading of an external phase space file (generated by other codes or a clinical Treatment Planning System) for source generation in radiobiology example - (1)/(2)
- Extension of the DICOM example by adding gps part, and detector part - (1)/(2)
- Updates and extensions to G4DNA neuron, dnaphysics, microdosimetry, UHDR and AuNP examples - (1)/(2)
- Continue application of coding guidelines - (1)/(2)
- New example to illustrate the use of the Inverse Compton Scattering event generator - (2)
- First semester - 26 June 2025
- Second semester - 5 December 2025